Thursday, June 18, 2009

Almost forgot!

I got mail from Finland today! Tarja Trygg over at has agreed to let me be apart of her global solargraphy project! She sent me three canisters prepared as pinhole cameras which I am going to set up around Winchester for as long as I can stand it. They really should be hung up for three or more months to get a really good photo but I will either fail and take them down in a few weeks or forget about them entirely and forget where I put them. What an adventure! The pinhole cameras will take an extended photograph of the suns rays as they streak across the sky long as I keep the camera up. I'm going to set up two around the city and keep the third one to open up and see how she loads them. Eventually they need to be sent back to Finland. I wonder how much the shipping will cost me...

God I love this.

Things that have inspired me lately:

This is pretty neat. The Red One Camera is still fairly new to the scene but lots of productions in Hollywood are taking advantage. The resolution to this thing is sick - it's better than HD. These guys are using the Red One Camera like a DSLR to shoot "living posters".  Check this out:

Wonder how you can get your own? Look at the price on these cameras.

This is a program that you can use with any webcam to try out some basic lightpainting. I really like the idea but the program is super sensitive. This is the first one I did that didn't look entirely blurry. I will definitely play with this tonight when it's dark. The one thing I really don't like is that you have to have an internet connection to save your photo because it automatically saves to the web - which is also a drawback because the whole world sees your photo! How annoying. Cool concept though.

Using my phone as a lightsource 

And finally, if you know me, you know I only like two kinds of rap; the kind I enjoy making fun of on the radio and rap that has nothing to do with sex and making money. (I like my rap to be about more substantial things, you know, like drugs and death.) But really, I cannot get enough of this guy. His name is Chris Palko but he's gone by Cage Kennylz since he got out of the mental hospital after he grew up helping his dad shoot heroine into his arm which led to a life of cocaine and alcohol abuse/addiction. What a guy! But in all seriousness, what doesnt kill us makes us stronger. Or gives us inspiration to become badass underground rappers.  He's fairly attractive as well ...oh and Shia LeBeouf directed this video. It gives me chills everytime.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday Morning

Sunday afternoon found me cleaning my room and taking things into Holly's "storage space" which is this old converted porch. The cats really like to sit on all the window sills and bask in the sun. I wish I could be a house cat sometimes.

Molly Jones


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Show: June 28, VA beach

I never mentioned this would also be an outlet for my friends' bands did I? Well now you know.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Bike Ride

Shenandoah Valley Heritage Ride 5.31.09