Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sustainable doodle

Waiting for a sustainability lecture to begin. Fake plant and bowl of snacks outside of lecture hall.

I've taken to doodle in this composition notebook whatever happens to be in front of me. I think its good practice to sit down and draw something everyday. Even if you never want to look at it again drawing something everyday is important to keep your mind thinking of actually looking at things instead of just glancing at them. The granola bar I had out of that snack bowl wasn't that great. The lecture was better...



bling bling baby

Things I'm working on for school

Web design project:

A website designed to show off my sub par coding skills and my spring break. I have so much content about that trip, I'm doing a lot with it right now.

This is still not done and, I'm gonna be honest, I can't wait til it is. It looks so very naked right now (note: this is only the home page). I should have been working on this a long time ago. Less than three weeks til the end of school and this project is due. There is a home page, about me page, what is gcp? page, an about mali section, a photo page, and a day to day look at what everything we did in Mali.

Short Film:

This is a screen shot of my film capturing to final cut. This is the classroom scene of Robin playing teacher for me. This movie is about how I felt coming back from Mali. I sincerely need to begin some editing on this project. Shooting will finish up this weekend. Hopefully.

I'm also working on an interactive PDF portfolio for another design class that I happen to be skipping this evening to work on that. Will post pics for that soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

doodle today, gone tomorrow

Doodled this waiting for flute rehearsal to begin. Its Holly practicing piano I guess.

Green marker on dry erase board.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Photography Contest

The following photos were entered in the Microsoft ProPhoto Contest to show off my work and try to win $20,000. I figured it couldnt hurt to enter since I already had some beautiful photos from my trip to Mali. The categories were: landscapes, people & portraits, and sports & photojournalism. Since I don't particularly care about sports and didn't have any truly outstanding landscapes, I submitted the maximum three photos all in one category - people.

Contest ends April 30, 2009.

Haiku to a new blog.

Welcome to my head
a place to empty my thoughts
photos, art, drawings.